
Showing posts from 2018

Star Wars Novel Review: Fatal Alliance

Star Wars Novel Review: Outbound Flight

Huge Announcement

Star Wars the last jedi novel review

Star Wars inferno squad novel review

More Resourceful Sith Lore

Star Wars Novel Knight Errant Review

Interesting Discussion of Star Wars' reintroduction of Time Travel into Canon

Why you shouldn't read Star Wars Lost Tribes of the Sith

Star Wars Darth Bane Trilogy Review

Resourceful Sith Lore

Star Wars the book of the Sith

Star Wars Secret Unpublished Work

For those who want to socialize with me

When reading Books on Star Wars character Thrawn

Sorry :(

Interesting video regarding Star Wars the Last Jedi

Awesome Star Wars music

A cool Star Wars app game

Star wars Order 66 novel

Disney creates Star Wars Fatigue

Epic Star Wars News!!!

Star Wars plagiarized from Dune??!!

Star Wars Old Republic Deceived Novel Review

Star Wars: Hidden in Plain site

Star Wars Novel Review: Darth Plagueis

Star Wars Novel Review: Thrawn

For those who love Star Wars the Old Republic

For those who love and are interested in Star Wars Legends (EU)

Star Wars legends material that is once again canon

For Those who love Darth Bane Trilogy

Star Wars Old Republic History/Timeline

Gray Jedi

Mara Jade is not returning to Canon :(

I have finished another Star Wars Novel :)

Star Wars: The Sith'ari Prophecy a.k.a the Sith Prophecy

Star Wars Old Republic "Movie"

Star Wars Old Republic game petition

Recommended Star Wars Youtube Channels part 2

Star Wars Old Republic Netflix Petition